AWAS! Virus Jejemon Menyerang Anda!

Yeah, AKHIRNYA gue posting nih cerita baru gue tentang MAKHLUK JEJEMON. Wow! Opo iki? Naon eta teh? APA ITU? What’s it?

Jejemon adalah bahasa Inggris dari kata ALAY. Tapi guys, sayangnya Jejemon senasip sama si Alay, yaitu sama-sama belom dimasukin ke Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia dan Kamus Besar Bahasa Inggris. Atau salah 1 dari kalian mau bikin Kamus Besar Bahasa Alay/Jejemon? Wah gue tunggu!

Oke, waktu itu gue iseng search ALAY di google eeeh ada yang ngomongin itu di kaskus. Pas gue buka threadnya...


Gue kaget bercampur SHOCK! Karena virus alay ternyata mendunia men! Obatnya pun belom ditemuin sama para ahli. Anjroooot!

Kalo disana, Jejemon didefinisiin kayak gini nih :


1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling. CAUTION: THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE BREEDING! THEY CAN BE SEEN WRECKING GRAMMATICAL HAVOC ON FACEBOOK TOO! 2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA. 3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.
On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T
- a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh..
whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.
- (noun or adj.)---a person who is very expert in typing..
- a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments...
- people with very LOW IQ
- a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc...
- a person you want to fuck off and kill
- an emo/gangster who owns all the possible negative qualities of a person.

- is the derrogative term used for a certain categorized kind of people.They type JEJEJE or JEJEJE when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes.
JEJE-Similar to hehehe but more like a naughty chuckle coming from the back of your throat.
For instance, used while plotting an evil plan.

EX. 1. I'm going to make that guy look like such a zaris..JEJEJE

ex. 2. "omg! my sister farted" jejeje
ex. 3. 3Ohw phOwh eVeR1yBhOodY! jejeje!
ex. 4. pFroUwd 2 b @ jEJ3mOn!


Sign that it is a jeje you are dealing with is that he (they are most commonly masculine) seems to have low intelligence.
This is because
1. they can not express themselves in the English language as good as an average person
2. it seems that their kind is simply dumber.
3. Their names are also often begun with "El" then followed with a random spanish or portuguese word.
4. they put too much letters and symbols in everyword they say even in their god damn NAMES or ALYASES.
Taken from the internet / texting phrase " JEJEJEJEEJEJE " which states an act of laughing replaced with J because in other countries, J is pronounced as H. ( heheheheheheh )
Mon was is taken from Pokemon / pocket MONSTER.

They is the new generation of " jologs " who type in an annoying manner eg. " sticky caps " and changing some letters into characters / number ( A = 4, E = 3, etc. )

They also have their own fashion such as wearing " Jeje Caps " which are caps that have a colorful design at the back and are not really worn appropriately, but only place on top of the Jejemon's head. They are also commonly found wearing oversized T-Shirts and loose and too large Capri pants.

In terms of taking pictures, they also have ' poses ' eg.
- The Peace sign
- The " Starbucks encounter " in which they take pictures of themselves in drinking obviously Starbucks
- Angles like: side view, super side view, over the top and holding fan signs
- The Rock Sign ( \m/ )
- The Upside-down peace sign

The existence of Jejemons also caused the making / existence of Jejebusters.

This also caused TV Shows having many many debates and news about Jejemons. Plus, bands writing songs about them.

They are commonly found in the Philippines.
w0W0w44l0v3r6894 : 30W p0WHzZzZzZ...... 4n0 p0WhzZzZ G4w4 NiY00!?!?!????!!?!?........... üüüüü ( Hello, what are you doing? )

Normal person : Eww, it's a Jejemon. Anyway, what? Can't you like, talk normal!?

w0W0w44l0v3r6894 : CnUU!?!? wH000!?? M3???????........ m4 N0t J3j3m0n P0wWhzZzZzzzzZz...........

Normal person / Jejebuster : * rolls eyes * DIE NOW! GOTTA KILL EM ALL JEJEMONS!


Nih simak penelusuran berikutnya :


Kalo yang ini, Jejemon versi Indonesia MySpace


Yang ini bikin ngakak gan!

 keyboard alay  


Inget ya, gue cuma mau share doang! Bukan maksud untuk ngatain kaum mereka. Makanya, JAGA PERILAKU BIAR GAK MALU ya guys! Ayo deh nulisnya jangan mendaki gunung lewati lembah, nulisnya biasa aja, j4n94n k4y4k 93n3H ! hahahaMySpace

What do you think, guys? MySpace

Gambar : nyolong sama mbah google . 
Referensi :


  1. Gan gw mw tnya ? Alay toh singkatan dari ANAK LAYANGAN ato ANAK LEBAY

  2. For Pete's sake...

    Tapi, kok mirip nama Digimon ya?

  3. Harusnya pake judul kancrut $lay gituuh..kaleeee... njebur deeh..

  4. baru ngeh ternyata jejemon sama kacaunya kayak alay (Indonesia). Btw kenapa makhluk kayak gitu harus hidup ya di Dunia ini? -_-

  5. Itu tulisannya pokemon

  6. Kunjunngan pertaman ni, hahaha Gokil Gila nama blognya ,apalagi ni cursor muncul daleman lagi - -"

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Gih kasi komen. Asal jangan nyebelin, berbau SARA dan porno ye. Yang SPAMMING bakal gue HAPUS.

Makasi temen-temen. HAPPY BLOGGING! :*

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